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[flagged] The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 People (intellectualtakeout.org)
18 points by jseliger on June 2, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Why is this flagged?

It's a clickbait article with almost no substance. It lifts all data from https://www.aei.org/publication/more-on-my-efforts-to-advanc... and adds some lazy commentary.

This reminds me of Professor Doom's rantings like this one

"Illinois University: Cut Faculty Pay To Zero" http://professorconfess.blogspot.com/2018/05/illinois-univer...

Tuition increases are mainly due to expanding administrative staff subsidized by a bottomless supply of $120 billion+ yearly in federally guaranteed student loans. If you aren't rich (or destitute and eligible for a full ride) you're going to take a big hit.

You don't have to be destitute to get quite a lot of tuition assistance at Michigan's Ann Arbor campus:


The $11 million divided across 45,000 students is $250, so hardly the main component of the $15,000 tuition.

What I got out of the article is you can almost use the letters in diversity to spell divides.

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