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Apparently it wasn't obvious from the "New York smells" point that it was a joke. So let me spell it out: It was a joke (even if it's actually, technically true. Many parts of New York really do smell from all that trash on the street!).

people don't have a sense of humor. obviously my comments about chicagoans not knowing how to multiply was a joke, too. They multiply like bunnies.

Let this be a lesson to you edw519: you make a joke, and both your heroes attack you! Biff! Bam! Actually, I can't imagine a funnier response.

Ah, the Chicago-New York feud, older than Hatfield–McCoy.

Joel's comment:

Is the problem that they're sitting there in a city without any other Internet industry, stewing in their own witty ideas, listening only to the adoring comments they get from the groupies?

.. is a often genuine criticism of 37s here on HN. Probably part of the reason the joke was missed.

Just came from San Francisco to NY. If you think it's bad here...walk around downtown SF sometime ;-)

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