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What It’s Like When Elon Musk’s Twitter Mob Comes After You (thedailybeast.com)
8 points by knuththetruth on May 30, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

> there is an army—mostly young, mostly white, almost entirely men—that marches behind him. These MuskBros, as we call them, make it their mission to descend on women who criticize Musk, and tear them to pieces.

I would berate this author for making an article with such a hamfisted premise, but as a young white male, I would then be fueling her confirmation bias.

Best to ignore it, along with anyone else trying to make #MuskBros a thing.

Agreed, (I'm Indian btw) The author tries to slander an entire group of people by implying that their being white and male caused them to hate on her, I'm in no way denying the existence of fanboys but this is petty namecalling at best.

What is the hamfistedpremise here? She is stating her experience. She is stating what other women experience.

What is there to berate? Should rape threats not matter? Or death threats?

The headline excerpt "Elon Musk's Twitter Mob" doesn't make it clear that the nasty people comprising this "Twitter Mob" aren't employed, directed, or controlled by Elon Musk. That's the hamfistedness. The Daily Beast is aware of and exploits the fact that this headline can then be used to cast Elon Musk as a hateful public figure, which is not commensurate with how this discussion about journalistic integrity started or should continue going forth. The rhetoric has essentially been poisoned.

Expect The Daily Beast to frame Elon Musk as some boogeyman Trumpian champion of "young white males" who is working for the forces of misogyny, according to their twisted logic.

With this precedent, now any white males who wish to defend Elon from identity politik hit-pieces are silenced with a simple #MuskBros hashtag, as is The Daily Beast's modus operandi.[0]

Threats do matter, but channeling public blame for these onto one person is unwise if that person isn't directly linked to them.


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