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jeffreyrogers on May 29, 2018 | hide | past | favorite

Here is some data about military spending in the world:


I don't get who is this terrible enemy that Europe have to protect against.

At least that this article is suggesting that Europe should increase its military spending in order to protect them from the USA, who is the only one that is spending more than Europe.

I even dare to suggest that the world would be a better place if the USA reduced its military spending, but that it's a debate that we never have.

From what? Europe is, and has been for centuries, on the offense.

Heck, it had enslaved 2/3rds of the world in its colonies -- (and has still in it's neocolonies, built through interventions and undue influence).

Anything that it has experienced as an attack all these decades doesn't even begin to tip the scales. On a "good" day, old colonial France, for example, could slaughter a few of thousands of Algerians on their own country, just for asking for freedom.

Heh, "defense" is a just a euphemism for war these days. The Department of Defense used to be called the Department of War, back before 1984 became the operating manual for governments and PR departments.

Remember, when we do it, it's "defense spending"; when China and Russia do it, it's "military spending".

Changed the title because it's not really about Trump and I think focusing on him is distracting.

Flagged because there's nothing interesting or hacker related here, just general politics and Trump.

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