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I remember being floored by APL few months ago when I learned about co-dnfs and watched the stream by Aaron Hsu [1] with quotes like "This code is perfectly readable, it just isn't in English".

Thing is, when I was thinking about trying it, I never figured out a good toy project. Like, when I wanted to try anything else, most of the time I would know I would be able to cobble together a web-service. Haskell, Erlang, even Prolog.

I understand co-dnfs to be self-hosting, so maybe a toy programming language?

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcUWTa16Jc0

Do some deep learning. It's very straightfoward, and you only need some trivial IO.

Writing a programming language in APL is not for the faint of heart - co-dfns is, alongside it's performance goals, to show that compilers aren't necessarily a bad fit for APL.

Incidentally, I wouldn't be shocked if you reached out to Aaron Hsu and he actually helped you. I sent him a related email and found him to be extremely cordial and informative.

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