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Ginzametrics (YC S10) at 30 Days (ginzametrics.com)
37 points by rgrieselhuber on Sept 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

By the way, we have made similar discoveries with our launch. Olark is an incredible service to have and extremely useful to directly communicate with customers.

Also, keeping the product in private beta has helped us iron out a number of bugs, while slowly releasing our product out to more people. Eventually we need to make our tool public, but this strategy has worked well till now.

Can't wait to try it out. Is there a AB Testing component to the platform? I love the idea of self optimizing the SEO settings.

Glad we (http://olark.com) could help you guys out :-) Thanks for the props!

Way to go Ray! Glad to see that your launch is going so well

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