To track who (or at least what devices) are in the immediate vicinity of the embassy and when. Patterns in that could easily be useful for catching physical surveillance at the least, as well as catching placed/planted devices that check in that way.
To expand on that, some examples:
If a new device shows up and is always present, particularly if it always has about the same signal strength or doesn't appear to move, that indicates a connected IoT device of some sort, and if you're concerned about espionage you may want to take steps to identify it.
If a particular device shows up for 8-12 hour shifts at varying times, but there are no businesses, etc. that would have that kind of attendance pattern, who's carrying that device? An investigator on-site who's also brought a personal device along?
Heck, if you're in an OnStar-equipped vehicle even if you don't have service, your vehicle may show up as always on, or at least may ping regularly.
I'm sure appropriate data mining techniques could pull a surprising amount of information out of the kind of info gathered from these devices.
Edit: To expand on that, some examples:
If a new device shows up and is always present, particularly if it always has about the same signal strength or doesn't appear to move, that indicates a connected IoT device of some sort, and if you're concerned about espionage you may want to take steps to identify it.
If a particular device shows up for 8-12 hour shifts at varying times, but there are no businesses, etc. that would have that kind of attendance pattern, who's carrying that device? An investigator on-site who's also brought a personal device along?
Heck, if you're in an OnStar-equipped vehicle even if you don't have service, your vehicle may show up as always on, or at least may ping regularly.
I'm sure appropriate data mining techniques could pull a surprising amount of information out of the kind of info gathered from these devices.