If you grow with an eco-system from the day that it starts to be marketed publicly to where it is today you have seen all the good, bad and ugly that came with it and you deeply understand why things are done the way they are done. If you are dropped into an already existing eco-system (say Java) it will take you a very long time to catch up with what for old hands is 'obvious'. Maybe I'm a slow learner, maybe I lack confidence, but for me before I'm ready to go and 'show my work' it takes a long time.
Even now people are asking me almost on a daily basis to post a bunch of python code that I wrote and I'm probably not going to do it even though I fully intended to because - to me - it looks like crap, and I lack the time to make it better.
A couple of extra notes: I'm 'old school', never found an IDE that I liked and tend to memorize everything. This takes a long time. A typical library is a couple of tens to 100's of functions and getting to know such a library (or API, for that matter) takes time as well. Which makes me totally unsuited for certain kinds of programming, the kind where the eco-system moves faster than I can keep up with it.
Even now people are asking me almost on a daily basis to post a bunch of python code that I wrote and I'm probably not going to do it even though I fully intended to because - to me - it looks like crap, and I lack the time to make it better.
A couple of extra notes: I'm 'old school', never found an IDE that I liked and tend to memorize everything. This takes a long time. A typical library is a couple of tens to 100's of functions and getting to know such a library (or API, for that matter) takes time as well. Which makes me totally unsuited for certain kinds of programming, the kind where the eco-system moves faster than I can keep up with it.