I've taken care of numerous people living with their lung cancer. It becomes difficult when they develop another cancer, e.g. breast. Do you do axillary dissection or just radiate the axilla? Anyway, melanoma, lymphoma and lung CA (and breast) have seen remarkable improvements in the last 20 years.
When I was an undergraduate I worked in the lab of Dr. Robert Bast to pad my resume - he went on to head cancer research at MD Anderson. He's the doctor that discovered the CA-125 ovarian tumor marker. Anyway, 26 years ago he told me he thought we'd have a cure for cancer in the next 10 years. I think he's off by 40-50, but we are making strides
When I was an undergraduate I worked in the lab of Dr. Robert Bast to pad my resume - he went on to head cancer research at MD Anderson. He's the doctor that discovered the CA-125 ovarian tumor marker. Anyway, 26 years ago he told me he thought we'd have a cure for cancer in the next 10 years. I think he's off by 40-50, but we are making strides