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Pricing page: "No more games. Save real money with bolt's simple pricing"

Then they go on to not include any ideas of price.

When companies can't give me a price range or idea I always have a feeling that their pricing model is to guess my profits and then guess how much they can take and still gain my business. Usually you can identify these types of propositions when the company tells you they're your 'partner' and you're not just a customer - but a partner.

Just tell me up to $x in sales it's $y per transaction and $y can have different prices for different features... I don't want a 2 hour call or screen cast to find out it's out of budget. This sales funnel tactic is no more moral than the long form copy sales website.. where they get people to spend 2 hours reading something - then at the end hit them for some amazing offer - where the user feels they've already invested 2 hours 'learning how to x' why not spend $95 and some reaaccuring fee for ever... dark pattern.

Thanks for the feedback here. Very much acknowledged. We're going to be revamping the pricing page.

Typically our deals are more enterprise-y / custom, especially since we're taking on all fraud liability. It's not just a processing rate.

Feel free to send me your volume and website and I'll get you back a quote: rb [at] bolt.com.

And the pricing page will be updated soon. Appreciate it, again.

> enterprise-y / custom

> send me your ....

> I'll get you back a quote

Thanks, but nah. I don't want to call or email or negotiate, I just want to give you my money and get the service, so I'll be using your competitor who has actual pricing and plan comparison front-and-center on their website.

...or are you just a quote bot and unable to actually read comments? It certainly doesn't appear that you understood the parent's comment.

He pretty much confirmed the parent's point.

>I always have a feeling that their pricing model is to guess my profits and then guess how much they can take and still gain my business.

"Enterprise-y" pricing is codeword for "smooth-talk non-technical managers at huge corporations and bilk them for as much as they're conceivably willing to pay". That's how the enterprise sales model works, and it can be very effective.

It's not always a bad thing, but it does seem irritating that their only pricing option is enterprise pricing.

Sorry guys. Something we need to work on: instant and clearer pricing for everyone.

Don't have much else to add at this point :/ We're new, growing, and getting better. That involves taking feedback like this seriously. Will deliver through our actions in the near future instead of words.

Good to hear you're receptive to feedback. Enterprise sales and pricing is how a lot of companies have become, and stayed, big. There's nothing inherently wrong with that model.

But if enterprise pricing is the only model you're offering, then unless your goal is to only ever get business from big corporations (which, again, isn't necessarily a bad thing), you're going to turn a lot of potential customers away.

Thanks - I believe instant and clearer pricing up front is a great strategy that can also be a moat against competitors.

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