A how-to (e.g. here's the steps in accomplishing this task)? A review (e.g. I tried this product and here I share how well it works and if it's worth your money/time)? Tech explanations (e.g. need to come up to speed on TechThing? I explain)? Something else?
And for whom? Developers, consumers, enterprise CIOs?
There are all sorts of ways to get paid for writing about tech. But it's easiest to guide you if you tell us more!
Maybe become a Forbes contributor, look for blog writing jobs on Upwork, apply to content creation agencies, or write analysis of trends you can sell to hedge funds, investment banks, or private equity firms.
CSS TRICKS - http://css-tricks.com - They just say they pay on their website
SMASHING MAGAZINE - http://smashingmagazine.com - $200 for new authors or else $250
SCOTCH IO - http://scotch.io - $150
TREEHOUSE - https://teamtreehouse.com - $100-$200
TUTS+ - https://tutsplus.com - $100 for quick tip & $250 for regular tutorial
A LIST APART - http://alistapart.com - $200 for 1500-2000 words
SITEPOINT - https://www.sitepoint.com - $150 for articles & $200 for tutorials
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