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You can be unsafe even with typesafe builders. See

fn build(text_to_show: &str) -> HTML{ HTML(Body(H1(text_to_show))) }

What if text_to_show wasn't sanitized? You got yourself a XSS. And if you do sanitize it (and keep it in a StrSanitized type), what are the chances of accidental XSS?

Really, what should have been done is a "user supplied tag", which automatically displays everything as plain text, like <user-supplied id="ahdjdh37736xhdhd"> Content </user-supplied id="ahdjdh37736xhdhd">

You would generally want the general purpose string type in your language to always be escaped when serializing, and only allow avoiding that if you opt-in explicitly.

So, for instance you'd have an H1::new(contents: TextNode) constructor, and you'd have to build a TextNode; if you build TextNode::new(text: &str), then it would escape it. If you wanted to explicitly pass in raw HTML, then you'd need something like HTMLFragment::from_str(&str), and it would parse and return the fully parsed and appropriately typed fragment object that could then be used to build larger fragments.

There might be some way to unsafely opt out, like HTMLFragment::from_str_raw(&str), that would just give a node that when traversed would just be dumped raw into the output, but that would be warned against and only used if you wanted to avoid the cost of parsing and re-serializing some large, known-safe fragment; it wouldn't be what you would normally use.

Your builder isn't really using types to guarantee safety. You can write untyped programs in a strongly typed language, by just coercing everything to strings, but this isn't what I mean when I say 'type-safety'.

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