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I see I'm getting hammered for my negativity, but I certainly meant it when I said in awe about the first part. It's magnificent, never mind the lunar gravity problem, which I've never seen well done on film.

It's only a couple of months since I last tried - and gave up on - watching 2001 to the end. Probably my own shortcoming entirely - I see nothing but pretentious late sixties posing from the stargate and onwards.

I don't know. Looking at the mental landscape of a transhuman, pretentious late-sixties posing is probably the best you can hope for.

I tried to watch 2001 again about 8 years ago and had to put it on fast forward, at 10X speed, and even then I was still falling asleep through most of it

If you had it at 10x you weren't really watching it.

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