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Zuckerberg Takes Out Full Page Ads to Say “Sorry” for “Breach of Trust” (slate.com)
3 points by panarky on March 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I expected a non-conditional apology but there he is blaming on a single app being able to extract data.

We dont want apology for the breach, we want apology for collecting all the data for so many years. We want to FB to delete the data they have collected even if it means a massive reduction in advertisement revenues. But I guess none of his algorithms can foresee the end of FB.com in the western part of the world.

Good night sweet prince.

Why buy ads in newspapers when Facebook can already communicate directly and instantly with billions of people?

Maybe they're not trying to reach their users with this message at all.

Maybe their target audience is policy makers who read newspapers.

Nothing says 'trust' like buying off the media to end the bad publicity.

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