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Tracked to a specific office in their HQ... by an external IP address... lol, ok.

You are not as anonymous as you think when you are online - An IP address can easily identify a particular office in a government building

There are many, many cases where a journalist has tracked down specific wikipedia edits to a particular office or intranet in a government building all from their IP address

You can find a ton of stories with a quick google search: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/government-w... https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/investigation-into-o...

Yep. I agree - it's pretty easy to slip up and public IPs are fairly easy to monitor.

It reminds me of this project https://github.com/edsu/anon which "lets you tweet about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges"

You can see it working at Congress Edits - https://twitter.com/congressedits

>Yep. I agree - it's pretty easy to slip up and public IPs are fairly easy to monitor.

Public IPs are NOT easy to monitor correctly when A. It's supposedly Russian Intelligence HQ B. They are claiming they can identify the specific office it came from

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