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I believe there a multiple layers involved:

a bizarre decisions about median divider design that attracts jay walking.

a governor with a stake in this subject.

an inexplicable disinterest in even minimal government oversight of the tests.

a company with a history of bad behavior.

a possibly reckless race to get a new technology market where trade secrets outweigh sharing safety results.

Clearly the data was not closely reviewed before issuing the statement. But I doubt the data retrieval is done by a police officer. More likely by an Uber employee; yet another potential issue.

The police report could easily be perfectly normal. Or perhaps there was call from the Governor. Or perhaps the police saw the data Uber wanted them to see. Perhaps the city doesn't want to be sued about it's median divider. I honestly have no idea what is going in in such a complex and invisible system but I sure am curious.

I'm in the weird situation where I have to say that it looks like you might have been right, but for the wrong reasons.

My point was that it would have been stupid to attempt to cover anything up. This was never going to go like a normal car accident. Every layer of local law and order would have seen it, the governor would have seen it, Uber employees (people, not an amorphous evil blob) and then the public would have eventually seen it. Hiding anything would have been a PR disaster, perhaps with criminal after-effects, and there were too many people —whose own safety depends on this— for a cover-up to work.

So it's even more ridiculous now that I've seen the video that shows an event that an able human would have spotted, braked and swerved that this Uber did not. Just using light, this should have been a near miss. But these vehicles supposedly have multiple sorts of radar-type equipment, don't they? They should have seen this well ahead of what a human could.

But yes, now there also needs to be a very serious investigation into the events that lead to the statement saying it was the pedestrians fault, or unavoidable.

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