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World Cup Betting Prediction Game (Ethereum ERC 721)
4 points by fgoldberg on March 13, 2018 | hide | past | favorite

I would like to show what I am building because I am proud of it as I love soccer and blockchain.

We are building a betting prediction game for the World Cup. You will buy your "right to play"with ETH sending them to the Smart Contract. You will the choose your 64 predictions. Your 64 predictions are a ERC 721 Token.

When finishing the World Cup the wallets which stores the winning tokens (10% of participating tokens win a prize from the pot) will redeem their prize (prize depends on number of players and standing position)

What is more, during the World Cup, you will be able to trade/sell/buy your ERC 721 token between users in order to cash out in case your token is performing well.

Our sale starts in May 10th and the landing page is www.cryptocup.io

We are finishing the smart contract in 2 weeks and then will go through the audit

Let me know any advise, concern

Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/cryptocup Twitter: www.twitter.com/cryptocup_io


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