Most industries don't have a Hacker News. In my opinion, it is coming. Tech-savvy generations will be moving into senior roles, and they will look to communicate online.
My main question is are these other industries as passionate as the tech industry? Are they as collaborative? I am from the oil and gas industry, and I can firmly say that currently the answer to those two questions for the oil industry is a hard "No". But that might change.
Couldn't one argue that the oil and gas industry is on the way out itself? I know that may come off as a bit naive. My anecdotal experience leads me to believe that the oil and gas industry isn't exactly pushing the envelope technologically. Sure there is a lot of cutting edge science and technology applied on a macro level, but for the industry to truly embrace the future would mean to become something entirely new.
I don't see this industry embracing the hyper connectivity, progressive, mind-share of the internet the same way I only see half-hearted engineers entering this field.
My main question is are these other industries as passionate as the tech industry? Are they as collaborative? I am from the oil and gas industry, and I can firmly say that currently the answer to those two questions for the oil industry is a hard "No". But that might change.