Yes, it's enough. Poor performance will come from things like poorly constructed websites (too much JS, very chatty sites and apps loading resources across many domains, or calling home a lot, especially with limited upstream bandwidth), contention with other users of the connection, and latency (not often a big issue with wired connections). On latency, this piece from 1996 is still worth a read:
hilarious, it was literally only a couple days ago I was digging into seeing what the current state of Bolo was. I miss Bolo so much, I want it on my xbox or on Steam or anything. if Target can sell a single-purpose Oregon Trail handheld, why can't we have Bolo?
and that's a great article, I remember it quite well. at the time it was written, I was working for Lotus/IBM in Cambridge (no not that one, the other one) and the company had offered us all experimental free ISDN so, yes, please -
and, yeah, speed good latency bad. go fig.