Wolfenstein yes, Doom no. Wolfenstein 3D used a very simple raycasting method that just shot rays out from the player's position to render a 2D level in psuedo-3D. Doom, while still technically using raycasting, uses a much more complicated method that involves BSP trees.
For anyone interested in the inner workings of Doom[1], I can't recommend Fabien Sanglard's blog enough. He also released a book on Wolfenstein 3D which goes into tremendous detail on the code, company, and hardware of the time.
Wolfenstein yes, Doom no. Wolfenstein 3D used a very simple raycasting method that just shot rays out from the player's position to render a 2D level in psuedo-3D. Doom, while still technically using raycasting, uses a much more complicated method that involves BSP trees.
A quick google search found this page, which explains it much better than I can: http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_rendering_engine