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> Dr. Greger's "How Not to Die" has helped in some of the education and all the references to studies relating.

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, you may buy yourself some years with virtuous living, but you are still going to die. It's worth considering whether you want to give up all your small temporal pleasures.

The point is not baseless longevity. It's to live healthy longer. I have no delusion I won't die. But I have seen people die unhealthy and suffer. My goal is to maximize health overall.

Did I state longevity was my goal? No. "Temporal pleasures" are subjective. And you're conflating your tastes with mine incorrectly. I stated I ate a lot of meat, and enjoyed it. I don't miss it having cut it out. That was very surprising to me and I'm simply sharing thoughts. I also suggested if you haven't tried it, how would you know? You don't. Plain and simple.

No, but you cited a book whose title suggests a premise I have issues with.

So what you're saying is you have a problem with a book that has thousands of peer reviewed studies as references. Your only argument is still completely subjective.

Is there some objective way to answer the question of how much we should be willing to sacrifice for greater longevity? It's entirely a values question.

The flaw in your argument is you paint a very broad assumption by stating that anyone has to "sacrifice" anything to begin with.

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