That's not really undebuggable. Process Explorer shows registry calls, and IIRC even marks them in red when the key is missing. Again not arguing that this is efficient, just that doing nothing is less efficient.
I generally assume that when someone says "blocked" they're not literally staring out the window, they're just not operating with anywhere close to the efficiency they should be.
Also it's not clear to me that learning how to use Process Explorer + using it, when that's not your job, is actually meaningfully more efficient than staring out the window all day.
If learning to use Process Explorer can aid you in performing your job duties, then I feel it would definitely be more meaningful and efficient than just staring out the window. I can't judge OP's situation because I don't know all the details, but I think there is something to be said for being willing to dive in and "unblock yourself" like some people have said. There's obviously a gradient between being helpless and the situation being genuinely out of your hands, though.
I think the point was that it's silly for someone who's meant to be on a team to spend possibly days trying to debug something as silly as that, instead of someone on the team just spending the few minutes to help them and give them the registry key they need.
It's not time efficient for everyone to work separately down to reverse-engineering the machine code to work out what's missing every time.