I used Apple Maps a couple of times and it did its job well. The UI is pleasant and simple to use and the directions are clear and accurate.
When there was an error on the map, giving feedback was easy and the map was corrected relatively quickly.
But to me, the main advantages of Google Maps are Streetview, offline caching and better POI. Web access is also a huge plus because there's way more eye balls seeing the map and making corrections so I bet Gmap is more accurate.
The other advantage of Google Maps is that it's search is much better at finding the landmark or point of interest you want to get to. Apple Maps Search is really hit and miss.
A school local to me is called Rushcroft Foundation School. Everyone calls it Rushcroft School. Apple Maps completely fails to find it under that name.
Anecdataly, Google, despite being repeatedly told, routes people incorrectly to my house. The Street is a mews that shares part of its name with a street 1 over. The amount of deliveries that have "failed" because people blindly trust Google is just ridiculous.
When there was an error on the map, giving feedback was easy and the map was corrected relatively quickly.
But to me, the main advantages of Google Maps are Streetview, offline caching and better POI. Web access is also a huge plus because there's way more eye balls seeing the map and making corrections so I bet Gmap is more accurate.