While we're at reconsidering things, 'FUD' for 'thing I don't agree with' is not as awful but also pretty terrible. It's accusing the other person of bad faith, in acronym form.
Well no, I think in many cases someone acted in bad faith once and then that propagates forwards via the credulous.
Some of the points read like old Usenet posts. I've seen permutations of "often functional constructs make code unreadable despite readability being one of the main reasons for its existence" since my old days as an admin for Ward's Wiki and it's always been the sane smear.
It doesn't really matter, you're still obliged to stick to a charitable interpretation both by common decency and the rules (and concern for the health) of the forum. It's just namecalling and you shouldn't do it - doubly so when, in the next breath, advising others to moderate their rhetoric. I'm sure we've both read the same 581238 dang posts saying this exact thing.