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The definition of the thing we call “monads” is a poor place to start understanding what they’re for. The only way to understand monads is to use a number of monads, and you’ll start to see why they’re useful.

One great monad is the Option monad. It lets you represent, at the type level, the two casss of having something or not having. Think about when you use a python query operation that may return nothing. You don’t know if you’ll get back an empty list, or a null, or what. If the API returned an option, this would indicate what happens when you get nothing back. That’s cool. You can then do computations against maybe having a value. Option.map(lambda) will apply that lambda function to the value only if it exists, saving your program from blowing up on a null. Even better, tho, you can chain a bunch of operations that may fail together. In the map example, ifyour lambda also returns an option, you would end up with the type Option[Option[A]]. Monads implement a flatten method that will turn an Option[Option[A]] into an Option[A]. They abbreviate this with “flatMap”, which can be implemented as a call to map, followed by a call to flatten.

Futures are another great monad that help model asynchronous operations. Val f = Future(mydatabasequery) will return a Future[A], read as “future of type A”. You can perform computations on the result using the map function: f.map(lambda). You don’t know when this will happen, you just know it will. If your lambda also returns a Future, you will end up with Future[Future[A]]. You convert this into a Future[A] with the Future.flatten function. The shorthand for this is.flatMap(lambda).

Another great monad is the Either[A, B] monad. It’s like the Option monad, but rather than having None or Something, you have Left or Right. If you have an operation that may throw an exception, you can wrap it in an Either. A left value will be some error, and the right value will be success. You can conditionally perform operations on the success using the Map function: Either.map(lambda). If the Either doesn’t have a Right value, it will not execute your lambda, saving you from performing an incoherent operation. In python sometimes you might return either a string or an int, representing failure or success. Either[String, Int] is just formalizing that pattern, and letting your compiler prove that you’ve handled both cases. You can model sequential computations that may fail using either: if your lambda returns an either, you’ll get an either[string, either[string, int]]. You can flatten these using the Either.flatten method. The shorthand for this would be flatMap.

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