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> Sorry I didn't get that you were interested in my personal opinion on that topic. I just tried to tell you what I would find a reasonable approach to answer that question.

What you're seeing as a "reasonable approach," though, may not be logically consistent.

You asked why equality of outcomes isn't a desirable goal in science and tech. I asked you if it's desirable goal for the NBA but you're not giving me a straight answer.

> Yeah, seems like many of them are still ok with the situation. I'm just saying that it is likely that there will be a problem in the future and its better to fix it now than later.

I'm not sure of this. There are many more female nurses than men and I don't see it as a problem now or even necessarily requiring "fixing."

> Plus, I think you would agree, that this problem is on a social level more relevant than your NBA example.

Of course--that's why I'm driving this wedge. It's more relevant on a social level but not for rational reasons. If you can acknowledge that differences in outcomes are inevitable among individuals and not inherently indicative of a problem (as in the NBA), you'd have to question whether or not differences in outcomes in science / tech are necessarily the result of sexism or even bad.

And that answers your question. If we can acknowledge the end result of individuals freely making their own decisions will not be equal outcomes, then pursuing equal outcomes is not necessarily a desirable goal.

EDIT: Added a necessarily.

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