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Yep, that’s right. The well informed lead society, not the idiots. If you wanna go back to the dark ages make your point, but mine is that a biology major working for a technology company making commentary on psychology is a slam dunk case of someone who should just shut up. Certainly not someone who should be egged on.

BTW: the original comment was based on his job. Google didn’t hire him to make comments like that, they hired him to code. That’s all I meant, don’t shit where you eat, if you’re hired to code do that job and focus on that. I don’t know what this generations problem is with not being able to keep it together in a professional workplace, but the problem is this generation, not the rules.

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Mine is that the basics of science are the same, no matter the discipline. Of course a lot of "science" has nothing to do with scientific methodology.

He did post the memo to an employee-led internal forum on diversity... Clearly the problem was he posted the wrong opinion.

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