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There's a war on right now, and it's increasingly vicious. Competitive victimhood is how you spot it - a relishing of both a sense of being aggrieved, and rejoicing in public humiliation and punishment of the perceived oppressor.

I stay well away from it too. In fact I fear simply writing this comment.

On Twitter, I've taken to unfollowing people who repeatedly retweet threads that have turned into piling-on contests built on a shaky foundation - the uncritical joining of a mob to throw stones at the perceived oppressor is especially worrying when a closer examination shows nuances that don't justify mob justice even in an emotional sense.

Check out Nietzsche's concept of slave morality...the way I see it now is that the various slave moralities are battling it out to see which one will be the dominant one...from that perspective it becomes kind of interesting and entertaining so watch the "Oppression Olympics"...who will win the Gold? Will it be women, or perhaps Black women, or maybe LGBTQLMNOP Iranians...who will win? Stay tuned...sponsored by GirlDevelopIt

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