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I agree with your point about syntax; it would have been nice if the syntax was `define(blah) { ... }` and `it("whatever") { ... }`. However, I don't think that's possible, because I need to include code after the end of the block.

That might not be obvious from the simplified macros I used in my example, but it's pretty clear by looking at the actual definitions. The describe and subdesc-macros (https://github.com/mortie/snow/blob/a9ad850df456f78bcf96e1aa...) need to increment counters and print their status after the block, and the `it` macro (https://github.com/mortie/snow/blob/a9ad850df456f78bcf96e1aa...) needs to run deferred expressions.

I think it would be possible to implement the `describe` macro such that it can be used as `describe(blah) { ... }`, because that defines a function and we can both give the function argument and expect return values from it, but I can't think of any way to do it with the other macros which just create regular `do { ... } while(0)` blocks.

If I'm wrong, please show me how; the `foo(blah) { ... }` syntax would make the __LINE__ macro work, it would play better with auto indenters and syntax highlighters, and it would give prettier error messages if you have a syntax error in a test case. I just can't see any way it would be possible.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define before_after(before, after)					\
    	for(int before_after_##__LINE__ = 0;				\
    	    before_after_##__LINE__ < 3;				\
    	    before_after_##__LINE__++)					\
    		if(before_after_##__LINE__ == 0) {			\
    			printf("%s\n", before);				\
    		} else if(before_after_##__LINE__ == 2) {		\
    			printf("%s\n", after);				\
    		} else
    main(void) {
    	before_after("hello", "world") {
    		printf("to all the\n");

You should combine "__COUNTER___" with "before_after_##__LINE__" to make a unique identifier more robust.

Your snippet won't work with this inline example:

  before_after("hello", "world") { before_after("hello", "world") { }}

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