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> Hopefully an HN admin will come and fix it soon. [..] It's been fixed.

No, I fixed it myself because despite what you might believe, the intent was never to mislead and I maintain that it didn't. :)

> Because they didn't fire on it? And had no intention of doing so. You make it sound like the actually intended to shoot it down.

They absolutely did intend to shoot it down when they thought that Arafat was on it. They didn't when they learned he wasn't. At any rate, you know that's not what I was comparing, this is just what you've chosen to interpret my superlative as being in reference to.

Did you even read the article, though? There was never a belief that he was alone on that jet. And there were many occasions where Israel signed off on assassination plots that would have lead to the death of even Israeli citizens just to kill Arafat. There were even plots to blow up a stadium then time car bombs to go off outside the stadium as the people were fleeing.

These weren't aborted or called off except by the reluctance of brave individuals in the Israeli defense ministry and air force that deliberately mislead their superiors and put off pulling the trigger or confirming the identification so as to avoid the civilian collateral damage.

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