When I was working remotely as a dev, I found one of the hardest problems was communicating what I was working on with my team.
My parents always taught me to be modest when speaking about myself, and to let my results speak for itself. However, I found that in a team environment, proactive communication works much better.
How do you share your day to day with your team? What tools, methods, or habits do you use to solve this problem?
- Always check in with your manager. Let them know your status before they ask.
- Make sure to deliver your stuff on time. If you can't do it, let your manager and other related team members before it's too late. Explain the reasons why you failed and learn your lessons. Try to avoid the same situation happen to you again. If it's your fault, accept it and move on. Try to do better next time.
- Share big and important updates with your team. It can be something simple like "Hey everybody, I did this and here you can take a look". If you use Slack you can post this to a public channel or you can send it via email.
- Add screen recordings to your Merge Requests. You can use Gif tools like, LICEcap or recordit.co.
- Be responsive to your mails, issues, TODOs, Merge Request comments etc.
- Always make sure that you have assigned with something to work on and you know what to do next.
- Try to be available when someone needs your help.
- Last one, maybe the most important one is doing a weekly meeting. If you don't have a weekly team meeting, you should tell your manager to start doing one. It's the most easiest and productive way to share important updates and sync up with other team members. At GitLab, we have a shared Google Doc and everyone can add their items to that list. Then people talk about their items then pass it to next person. You can also do daily stand-up meetings. It should be something quick and every team member should have 1-2 minute to talk about their updates and answer the questions below. You can also do this in async way by posting answers of these questions to a Slack channel.
I. What did you work on yesterday?
II. What will you work on today?
III. Is there any obstacles?