It wasn't if the software functioned the way that we wanted (is the business logic correct), so much as did it have the effect on the business that we wanted.
The criteria would have been something a long the lines of:
"By adding this ad banner to this page template we will increase revenue by 5% per page view", or
"By adding this widget to the on boarding page we will reduce drop out by 50%".
If your feature didn't have the business impact it was supposed to, it was pulled. Maybe the widget actually increases drop out? Maybe increasing ads reduced page views?
But it prioritized being to answer those kinds of questions. Very neat.
It wasn't if the software functioned the way that we wanted (is the business logic correct), so much as did it have the effect on the business that we wanted.
The criteria would have been something a long the lines of:
"By adding this ad banner to this page template we will increase revenue by 5% per page view", or
"By adding this widget to the on boarding page we will reduce drop out by 50%".
If your feature didn't have the business impact it was supposed to, it was pulled. Maybe the widget actually increases drop out? Maybe increasing ads reduced page views?
But it prioritized being to answer those kinds of questions. Very neat.