Everyone can absolutely cash out at once from a stock. In fact, in many ways, companies would love that to happen. If a totally believable story hit the market tomorrow that the government will prosecute anyone owning apple stock, the stock might tend to be worth 0 because of it, but apple as a company can re-buy all of them for a very cheap price, and then it would increase its revenue enormously.
If bitcoin dropped too much, the network effect could fade to a point it will never be worth mining it again, or used again and some other coin can overtake its role. Much like myspace died after it lost its network effect.
Its completely different. The stock will not go to 0 because 1 cent apple stock would be a bargain.
If bitcoin dropped too much, the network effect could fade to a point it will never be worth mining it again, or used again and some other coin can overtake its role. Much like myspace died after it lost its network effect.
Its completely different. The stock will not go to 0 because 1 cent apple stock would be a bargain.