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how little my ancestors have to do with me.

There's something sad about such a statement, and it epitomizes a certain cause of present day problems in society.

Are your genes the only things that "has to do with you"?

What about the built environment and society in which you exist with all of it's inventions and innovations from a strictly primal state of affairs?

Who built that society and environment around you? If you're like most people, your ancestors.

What aspects of your ancestors guided their building and structuring of society? Their genes. Your ancestors have very much to do with you, and you have much to be grateful to them for.


p.s. As a corollary addendum, if your ancestors have nothing to do with you, what of your descendants? Why bother leaving an orderly and healthily functioning world to people "who have nothing to do with you"?

Safe to say, that we should pray for the well-being of future generations that most people today don't think this way, and be thankful that most people in the past didn't think this way.

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