These aren't heuristics, they are all speculative. We can speculate many other reasons too:
For example, people value career stability when they have children and other long-term, serious obligations.
Many people work in government because they face discrimination in hiring and promotion in the private sector, such as women and minorities. Even Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg says that's why she ended up in government.
Finally, it may be hard for HN readers to imagine, but most people don't seek the life of an SV entrepreneur. It's not that they would do it if they could and settled for something else; they want something else.
I could add more speculation, but without some data I don't think I'm adding much.
These aren't heuristics, they are all speculative. We can speculate many other reasons too:
For example, people value career stability when they have children and other long-term, serious obligations.
Many people work in government because they face discrimination in hiring and promotion in the private sector, such as women and minorities. Even Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg says that's why she ended up in government.
Finally, it may be hard for HN readers to imagine, but most people don't seek the life of an SV entrepreneur. It's not that they would do it if they could and settled for something else; they want something else.
I could add more speculation, but without some data I don't think I'm adding much.