Lumen5 is a startup (7 people so far), that makes a saas marketing tool to convert written content into short videos using machine learning and nlp. Companies use the videos that our software creates for digital marketing purposes, mostly on social media. We're hiring for two new positions:
1 Full-Stack Software Developer: the core skill is javascript (we use react and redux), but we also use python a lot (django, DRF)
2) Machine Learning Engineer: we are working on a lot of NLP problems, specifically with document summarization.
If you're interested please send me an email at nigel [at] and mention you're from HN
Lumen5 is a startup (7 people so far), that makes a saas marketing tool to convert written content into short videos using machine learning and nlp. Companies use the videos that our software creates for digital marketing purposes, mostly on social media. We're hiring for two new positions:
1 Full-Stack Software Developer: the core skill is javascript (we use react and redux), but we also use python a lot (django, DRF)
2) Machine Learning Engineer: we are working on a lot of NLP problems, specifically with document summarization.
If you're interested please send me an email at nigel [at] and mention you're from HN