ES6 - The standard version of JavaScript that all browsers support/will support.
JQuery - a simplified syntax to access the DOM, do ajax, and add events to elements.
HandleBars - if you don't want a heavyweight framework but you do want a simplified templating system. Handlebars is simpler.
My usual MO for front end development when I don't want to implement a full SPA framework:
1. Create a template with Handlebars
2. Use Ajax to get the model.
3. Render the template.
Create the view with Handlebars
Assign events using JQuery to the rendered elements.
Adjust the model based on the events.
Re-render the template based on the model.
But at some point, it makes sense to use a full fledged framework because at a certain level of complexity, you are reinventing the wheel. But even then, I can use Ember that uses Handlebars.
But it doesn't make sense to use Handlebars and Angular.
Bootstrap is for layout whether you use Handlebars or Angular.
JQuery - a simplified syntax to access the DOM, do ajax, and add events to elements.
HandleBars - if you don't want a heavyweight framework but you do want a simplified templating system. Handlebars is simpler.
My usual MO for front end development when I don't want to implement a full SPA framework:
1. Create a template with Handlebars
2. Use Ajax to get the model.
3. Render the template.
Create the view with Handlebars
Assign events using JQuery to the rendered elements.
Adjust the model based on the events.
Re-render the template based on the model.
But at some point, it makes sense to use a full fledged framework because at a certain level of complexity, you are reinventing the wheel. But even then, I can use Ember that uses Handlebars.
But it doesn't make sense to use Handlebars and Angular.
Bootstrap is for layout whether you use Handlebars or Angular.