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Re: crypto, it's relatively easy to get into and there seem to be a lot of success stories, so yeah, a lot of people jump into those which boosts the price to bubble proportions. I'm fairly sure we're going to see a crash after new year's, once tax evasion periods have passed.

But when it comes to the stock market, I think there's a lot of people that have gotten on board with that in recent years; at least from my own perspective, regular boring old savings account have gone from 5% or more down to 0.5% or even negative interest in some cases; this is probably due to EU-wide laws to help economic growth in the less economically well-to-do countries, but still.

On the plus side of that equation however, is that mortgage interest rates are still very low. I bought a house this year and fixed the interest for 30 years, I'm sure it's going to go up again soon enough.

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