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You can live for weeks without food, it can be stored easily (unlike services which aren't stored at all), and the barrier to entry is low... Many people even have their own food gardens. It's also very amenable to nearly complete automation. Therefore food is super cheap.

>I understand that healthcare is more expensive than food for all those reasons. What I don't understand is why there can't be a market for it. Expensive services can have markets too.

At the moment the only thing I can think of that are expensive services are also luxury services. Most people consider health care to be a basic service that should be open to those who need it, regardless of wealth.

Back to the food analogy, people who can't afford the food they need to live are given food stamps. Even so, there is still a market for food. People know ahead of time what the exact price of the thing they are buying with their food stamps. Nutritional information is available on the packaging.

Why exactly can't I know ahead of time how much will each hospital in my area charge if I have a heart attack and have to go to their ER? Why can't I know which hospital has better survival rates, or the shortest wait times?

That information is all that is needed to have a healthcare market. It should not be impossible.

Those things you just described certainly sound an awful lot like food to me. How exactly is that living without food for weeks?

I was talking about food. Sorry if I was unclear!

I understand that healthcare is more expensive than food for all those reasons. What I don't understand is why there can't be a market for it. Expensive services can have markets too.

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