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its more expensive than ever. i refuse to tip via uber (of course I get downvoted by the driver due to tip extortion). Screw uber!

You can't get downvoted by drivers for refusing to tip. They don't find out if you tipped until after they've rated you, unless you actually tell them, "I'm not tipping you."

Some drivers still ask for cash tips ("Uber takes a cut if you tip in the app").

I am not sure Uber drivers are allowed to see how much you have tipped, or are they?

We honestly need less comments on HN that end with, "Screw X!"

[downvoted for excessive irony]

Saying we need less comments of some sort does not equate to saying "screw them!"

I can't DV, so you all can create an aggressive environment on HN if you want, but it won't help you IRL if you say this. If you want to create a toxic environment for discussion, that is up to dang.

Technically the last two words of your comment are "screw X"

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