For the last couple of months, there have been many educational, simple implementations that explains blockchain technology, I guess thanks to crypto bubble. I wish these were around when we were doing our senior design project on blockchains in 2014. Back then, I only could find basiccoin[0], which was purely minified to just fit in 1000 loc.
After that, I decided to re-implement everything from scratch. My foremost constraint was to write readable code so that anyone could read the codebase and have an idea of how blockchain works.
My current draft of implementation can be found on , which currently lacks detailed README and documentation. However, you can still experiment with it by using API or CLI. I'm running a dedicated server to have an always online peer you can connect to.
After that, I decided to re-implement everything from scratch. My foremost constraint was to write readable code so that anyone could read the codebase and have an idea of how blockchain works.
My current draft of implementation can be found on , which currently lacks detailed README and documentation. However, you can still experiment with it by using API or CLI. I'm running a dedicated server to have an always online peer you can connect to.
Edit: a word