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Show HN: Twitter bot, that predicts the value of Bitcoin in the next n days (twitter.com/coin_instinct)
8 points by ognjengt on Dec 16, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The algorithm analyses historical bitcoin data, and using k nearest neighbours algorithm, makes a prediction. You can tweet to the bot "@coin_instinct Predict for <number> days" and it will collect all of the tweets in the past 2 hours, and make a prediction based on the most requested number.

I made this, just for practice, of course the algorithm is not accurate all of the time, but most of the time, the predictions are pretty close.

Now working on improving it by adding an AI classification, and scraping the web for information, like are people all over the web talking the value will rise or fall in the next days, and adding that to formula.

The code is open source, and on my github: https://github.com/ognjengt/coin-instinct-bot

All of the suggestions, and improvements are welcome!

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