Customer: "Comcast has my phone office number, my cell for texts, my email, and my home address, yet they choose to molest my requested web pages by injecting hundreds of lines of code."
Comcast Response: "The notice is typically sent after a customer ignores several emails. Perhaps some of those ended up in your spam folder?"
To me this sounds like a crazy ex-lover. "You didn't respond to my texts so I came to your house." No, Comcast, don't do that. They ignore your emails because you're trying to sell them something they don't want.
And I bet that by "ignore" they mean "didn't allow remote tracking images in emails to be loaded therefore stopping us from knowing if, when and where the email was viewed".
Customer: "Comcast has my phone office number, my cell for texts, my email, and my home address, yet they choose to molest my requested web pages by injecting hundreds of lines of code."
Comcast Response: "The notice is typically sent after a customer ignores several emails. Perhaps some of those ended up in your spam folder?"
To me this sounds like a crazy ex-lover. "You didn't respond to my texts so I came to your house." No, Comcast, don't do that. They ignore your emails because you're trying to sell them something they don't want.
Here is the Twitter of the Comcast rep for anybody interested: