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Ask HN: How do I focus on building my startup on the sides?
3 points by kshitij_libra on Dec 6, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I have an idea that I think is a great fix to a gaping gap that exists in the market today. I also have a full time job as a developer .

1 - I want to devote more time to my own startup which is eventually what I want to do.

2 - there are interesting problems at work that I keep running across and can’t help but get involved and solve. My team is also quite fun, so it’s addictive at times to build things together.

3 - I can’t seem to get off hacker news and keep reading random pieces of knowledge on a regular basis .

I am doing way more 2 and 3 than I do 1, probably because 2 and 3 give some immidiete satisfaction whereas I’m a lone wolf on 1. But I know that 1 is more important.

How do you keep being focussed and make more time for 1. How does one prevent himself from falling prey to these other distractions ?

1. time budget. allocate time to each bucket and don't go over.

2. try to find a way to get feedback on 1 as early as possible.

3. find a list of small things that your project needs. focus on getting that done. usually once your started it's easier to keep working on it.

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