The law is not a mathematical equation, complying with the law not a boolean clearly true or false.
Apple makes huges efforts to violate the spirit of tax law (that a business making good profit should pay quite some taxes) while trying to avoid that authorities / courts can prove it. Actually they have been fined already, they are still appealing. So whether they comply with the law is formally undecided.
Edit: Not sure whether "fined" is the correct legal term. They have received some kind of "letter" that they have not paid what was legally required in the past and they are obliged to pay the missing sum (13 billion EUR).
In most courts, that is a crime. French courts tend to look primarily at the spirit of the law itself, rather than precedent and arguments over the letter of it to see how it should be enforced, unlike English style legal system where precedent and minor word choices can make or break the implementation of a law.
Its a very practical and approachable court system for the common person comparatively.