That's true, I hacked the rear view camera of my car to draw guide lines connected to the wheel position using a pi[1], but it took me tons of effort to reverse engineer the wiring system and CANBUS of my car, I learned a lot (CANBUS is a lot of fun:P), but I don't want that level of involvement here.
But I'd like something easier to work with, the "data accessible on the filesystem" of the Garmin seems to be the perfect balance between effort and "hackability".
True, I guess, but with how much effort? I think OP wants something he can jump into, not something he has to basically re-engineer. That said, "Anything is hackable" is a good spirit to have.
Was just about to post a very similar comment. If I was OP I'd buy something cheap (so it doesn't matter if I break it while hacking) and pick it apart until I could get the data.
I'm surprised that you're getting downvoted for this sentiment on a forum that is supposedly "Hacker News". Come on people, where's your hacker spirit?