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> So what is the non capitalist alternative? State controlled social media services?

Come on. More like decentralized, optionally self hosted istances of open source social networks.

Given the amount of politics meddling that Facebook,Twitter Google and Amazon do especially out of the US, i would consider THEM the actual state-controlled service.

Ok, fair enough. Systems like that do exist, but practically nobody uses them. We need an alternative that actually addresses people's need in a way they access. But even in the system you describe, what is to stop biased operators from infiltrating the system and biasing the distribution of messages to filter out opposing views, or generating fake content? How does a system like that maintain integrity? Until you have a reliable functional, usable system it's just pie in the sky.

You're right but at least that pie in the sky is something WE lowly mortals can have a say in. FB/Twitter/Google are black boxes and we have no idea what their real interests are, how they implement/enforce/change the processes that skew the media we consume. Would it actually be any better? Who knows but something has gotta give cause what we got now is definitely broke and not going to be fixed

Of course we have a say. We can choose which services we use, and we can vote in and lobby governments that regulate them effectively.

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