I've already replaced my desktop with a laptop, looking forward to the day I can consolidate everything onto one device. This looks like a step in the right direction.
I was using a laptop for most stuff a few years ago and now I've been unconsolidating (what's the right word?).
I now have an e-reader, a laptop that docks, a gaming console, a phone, a fitness tracker, an iPad, an Amazon Echo, a Roku, and a watch. Even though the laptop could do almost all of those things, I'm happier with a few excellent discrete devices. I'm actually very happy with my tech life these days and don't feel many pain points anymore. If I had one wish, it would probably be for Amazon to drop DRM on Kindle titles.
It would be more compelling to me if they could also dock it into a laptop shell with USB and Ethernet ports. If I'm going someplace for more than a day I'm going to bring my laptop, I don't want to lug around a monitor. It doesn't really replace my laptop, it only replaces my docking station.