Can whales even see much out of the water? I assumed they had the same blurry vision out of the water that humans have in the water due to the difference refractive index of water and air.
Not all humans have blurry vision underwater [1]. It seems, from the article, that children from that tribe can learn constrict their pupils and accommodate their lenses so as to see much better underwater.
But the quote that followed it is probably much more relevant to this discussion..."Seals and dolphins have a similar adaptation." Since orcas are actually the largest of the dolphin family and not whales, it might apply to them as well.
orcas have very good eyesight, including out of the water. they often use a technique called spyhopping where they intentionally poke out of the water to see along the surface of the water for navigation, to see prey further away, or just to inspect their surroundings.